

The Roe flows north by Limavady to enter the Foyle estuary on the north-eastern corner of the Foyle.

County: Antrim, Derry
Fish: Salmon ()
Catch:Salmon, Sea Trout & Brown Trout

Most of the angling reaches are controlled by the Roe Angler\'s Association and DANI has an attractive 2 km stretch in the Roe Valley Country Park. Permits are available from both. There are a few closed areas including a 1km at Carrick Road. A footbridge spans the river upstream of Givan\'s weir giving anglers easy access to both banks. Fish under 25.4 cm (10 inches) must be returned to the water unharmed.


DANI,1 April - 20 October. Roe Anglers, 20 May - 20 October.


Fly, spinning or bait fishing.

Cost: For DANI fishery, a DANI Game Fishing Permit. Roe Anglers' permit from R. Douglas and Son, 6 Irish Green Street, Limavady, Co. Londonderry, Tel:05047 763244 or Mitchell's Calor Gas, Central car park, Limavady, Tel:05047 22128.
Fish: Trout ()
Catch:Salmon, Sea Trout & Brown Trout

Most of the angling reaches are controlled by the Roe Angler\'s Association and DANI has an attractive 2 km stretch in the Roe Valley Country Park. Permits are available from both. There are a few closed areas including a 1km at Carrick Road. A footbridge spans the river upstream of Givan\'s weir giving anglers easy access to both banks. Fish under 25.4 cm (10 inches) must be returned to the water unharmed.


DANI,1 April - 20 October. Roe Anglers, 20 May - 20 October.


Fly, spinning or bait fishing.

Cost: For DANI fishery, a DANI Game Fishing Permit. Roe Anglers' permit from R. Douglas and Son, 6 Irish Green Street, Limavady, Co. Londonderry, Tel:05047 763244 or Mitchell's Calor Gas, Central car park, Limavady, Tel:05047 22128.